Pregnancy can change your sleep patterns and if you don’t take care, you may end up losing out on that much-needed rest. Here are some tips and tricks to help you sleep better during your pregnancy.Use Pillows For Support With a growing belly, finding a comfortable position to sleep in can be hard. Add to that the aches and pains that are routine for many pregnant women, and settling into bed to sleep and sleeping through the night can be harder than you’d think. Thankfully, the solution is pretty simple. Pillows. Get a long pregnancy pillow or use normal pillows between your legs and below your abdomen to elevate and support your belly and back. Sleeping on your side helps ease pressure on the back.


Exercising even for 30 minutes a day can help you sleep better. Just be sure to do this well before bedtime. If you exercise within 4 hours of when you plan to sleep you may wind up overstimulating yourself and find it harder to get to sleep.

Avoid Spicy Or Heavy Dinners

Spice and rich fatty food can set off pregnancy-related heartburn, making it hard to lie down comfortably to sleep. Have dinner early and eat small meals throughout the day to avoid overloading yourself during dinner. If the heartburn persists, speak to your doctor for solutions and try sleeping with your head slightly elevated.

Hydrate Through The Day

Pregnancy can make you need to urinate more often. But staying hydrated when you’re pregnant is as important as ever. If you wind up drinking most of your water close to bedtime you’ll have to constantly get up to use the bathroom. Instead, try and pace your fluid intake so that you’re drinking water, juice, or other fluids throughout the day.

Make Your Bedroom Sleep-Friendly

Make sure your bedroom is dimly light or dark to help you get to sleep. Avoid turning on bright lights when you go to the bathroom at night as this can wake you up and make getting back to sleep harder. A soft night light that stays on may be a better idea. Ensure the temperature in your room is comfortable too – cooler is usually better. Sleep experts recommend setting your air conditioner to about 65 °F, that’s about 18 °C. If it gets too hot, you’re more likely to wake up or have restless sleep.

Limit Your Caffeine Consumption

Excessive caffeine intake isn’t recommended during pregnancy anyway, because it is linked to a greater risk of having a low birth weight baby or pregnancy loss. In reality, most of us can’t do without our daily cup of tea or coffee and that cup is fine as long as you stay well within the limit. But because it is a stimulant, caffeine can also mess with your sleep if you drink a cup of tea or coffee too close to bedtime. It can make it harder to fall asleep and could even reduce the total amount of time you sleep. Avoid having any caffeinated drinks in the afternoon, evening, or night.

Get Health Problems Treated

Some problems that disrupt your sleep, like restless legs syndrome, are linked to a nutrient deficiency(usually iron or folic acid) and can be fixed by taking a supplement prescribed by your doctor. Almost all pregnant women may experience heaviness and discomfort in legs due to prolonged pressure of the growing baby inside the uterus. You could try using a simple-over-the-counter solution like the Mamaxpert Legs Relaxing Gel to relax your sore legs. This hydrating gel soothes the skin, improves blood circulation, and leaves you feeling fresh and relaxed so you can get a good night’s rest.