We comprehend. As if it weren’t enough, we lead hectic lifestyles. Stress from daily life can lead to a build-up of tension, anxiety, and general restlessness, which makes it harder to fall asleep. Daily use of social media and extended periods of screen time might also be harmful since blue light exposure can interfere with our capacity to unwind.

We have some solutions if reading War and Peace isn’t quite enough to send you off to a dream state. We’ve got the goods on how to make falling asleep as easy as counting sheep thanks to the Sleep Foundation. Make the most of your eight hours by adopting healthy nighttime routines and stopping the snooze button.

Reduce your caffeine intake

As a stimulant, caffeine can keep people from getting enough sleep, especially if they are already very sensitive to its effects. Experts advise avoiding everyday coffee drinking before 3pm and getting your caffeine fix early in the day.

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Avoid late-night snacking

Consuming food or liquids too soon before bedtime may result in frequent trips to the bathroom or heartburn. The goal is to reduce the number of potential sleep-interrupting factors as much as feasible. Although alcohol might induce sleep, it frequently degrades the quality of your sleep. You may stop having midnight munchies now, ma’am.

Turn off those devices

Games, TV, and social media all excite our brains, but blue light from bright screens throws off our body clock. Experts advise giving up on electronics at least an hour or two before bed and sleeping in a room that is cold and has low lighting to help your body recognize that it is almost time for bed.

Make peace with your bed

Maintain your bed as a haven of solitude. Negative associations between your mind and your mattress can arise from working or studying in bed, or just in the bedroom in general. According to experts, the bedroom should only be used for sleeping and having sex. Avoid forcing yourself to stay in bed and becoming more and more irritated if you are unable to fall asleep. When you’re ready to drift off to a dream state, get up and engage in some soothing activity.

Schedule your sleep

Every day, set aside a specific time to go to bed and wake up (e.g., make sure you’re sleeping by 11pm to wake up at 7am). Your circadian rhythm, which establishes a sleep-wake cycle and subsequently controls your energy levels throughout the day, is exemplified by this. Sustaining a healthy sleep-wake cycle is crucial to getting quality sleep.Supplementing could assist in naturally promoting peaceful sleep if these suggestions still don’t put you to sleep.

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