Feeling enveloped by soft and hydrated skin is a transforming experience. Glowing and stimulated skin not only highlights your inner beauty, but gives you a sense of balance and serenity.
Taking care of your skin is an important aspect of your physical and spiritual well-being. It’s an act of self-love and respect, but like in a loving relationship, it takes time, patience, and consistency to achieve satisfying results.
Following an adequate skincare routine, using specific products and daily gestures, is essential to protect and maintain healthy skincare

What is skincare
Skincare is an activity that helps take care of your skin, keeping it toned and healthy through the targeted use of specific products that should be used in a well-established and studied order. This order has been developed to achieve the best possible results and to ensure that each cosmetic can perform its function to the best of its ability.
The skincare routine can be divided into two main categories: one for the face and one for the body. The first focuses on treating the most exposed and delicate area, improving its appearance and health. The second, on the other hand, focuses on the well-being of the entire body, including the décolleté, arms and legs.

Why is a skincare routine so important?

A proper and personalized skincare routine can improve the overall appearance of the skin, making it brighter and more uniform. It’s an experience that you can integrate into your daily beauty routine and allows you to cleanse, hydrate, and protect the skin tissue from damage caused by external agents and time.
This practice provides a barrier against external elements such as pollution, UV radiation and bacteria. But it is also a valuable ally that helps to preserve the beauty of the skin, thus preventing premature aging and the appearance of wrinkles and expression lines.

How to do the skincare routine: the main phases
Your skincare routine is like an intimate dance between you and your body. It may vary depending on the skin type and specific issues to be addressed, but there are some fundamental steps that can never be missing:

Cleansing: it consists of removing dirt and sebum. It’s important to avoid products that are too aggressive which could cause irritation.
Hydration: the skin needs fluids to remain soft and glowing and prevent dryness. The water taken during meals may not be enough for this purpose, so you can use specific creams or lotions suitable for different needs. These products help maintain the water balance of the skin tissue, preventing dryness and improving its texture.
Protection from aging signs and sun: using a sunscreen is essential to protect the skin from damage caused by UV rays as well as to prevent premature aging.
In addition to these three basic steps, which are essential in every beauty routine, further steps may be included, depending on the desired result to be achieved and the skin type:

Makeup removal: if you use makeup, this is the first step to take before cleansing to have healthy and radiant skin. Even though makeup can help enhance facial beauty, it’s important to remove it every night to avoid problems such as clogged pores and bacterial growth. It is advisable to use products that respect the pH of the skin and the delicacy of the skin tissue, which do not cause irritation or discomfort to the eyes. It is also important to finish this phase by rinsing the face with warm water to remove any residues of makeup.
Exfoliation: it should be done after cleansing, a couple of times a week, with coarse or fine grain exfoliating scrubs or chemical peels based on alpha-hydroxy acids (AHA) or beta-hydroxy acids (BHA). These products help remove accumulations of dead skin cells on the skin and promote cell turnover.
Facial toner: prepares the skin for the next steps in the routine. It supports the restoration of the natural pH of the skin, strengthens natural defenses and prevents the appearance of skin imbalances.
Nutrition: it helps provide essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants through the use of topical products such as creams, boosters, serums, and oils.
Eye contour applications: this area is very delicate and sensitive, so it is important to choose high-quality creams suitable for your needs and age. In addition to keeping the skin hydrated, a good eye contour cream should also counteract bags and dark circles, reduce swelling, and have a tightening and illuminating effect.
Lip balm application: regular use can help prevent chapped lips and maintain their softness and hydration.
Night cream application: the closing step for evening routines. During sleep, the skin is more receptive to the regenerating and active ingredients of skincare products. In this way, it is possible to repair the damage caused during the day by smog, stress, and weather conditions, improve the overall appearance, help reduce wrinkles, and prevent signs of aging.
The importance of choosing the most suitable skincare products for your skin type
Choosing skincare products that are suitable for your skin type is crucial for an effective beauty routine. There is no single product that is suitable for everyone, as each person has specific needs. There are some skin types with serious problems, such as acne-prone or hyperpigmented skin, that require precise treatments. In these cases, it’s advisable to discuss the treatment with your dermatologist or doctor in order to get the best results.

For all other skin types such as oily, dry, sensitive or mature skin, skincare can bring countless benefits.

The products that can never be missing in a beauty routine are:

Micellar water: to remove makeup and moisturize.
Cleanser: to thoroughly clean the skin and remove impurities. There are different formats such as milk cleanser, foam or cream.
Mask: between exfoliation and toning, it helps improve the skin’s appearance, balancing its hydration and protecting it from atmospheric agents. There are masks for different purposes: hydrating, revitalizing, toning, detoxifying, purifying, nourishing, softening, exfoliating, and firming. Each has a specific composition and unique application methods.
Toners: to help balance the skin’s pH, hydrate, tone and prepare the skin to better absorb subsequent products. In addition, many contain active ingredients to treat specific skin problems.
Essential oils: they are an important part of many beauty routines. They can be used alone or mixed with other products such as hydrators, nutrients, antioxidants, or to treat specific skin problems, such as acne, wrinkles and dark spots.
Scrubs: products such as gommage and exfoliants that remove dead skin cells from the epidermis.
Among the cosmetics available on the market, there are also those based on thermal water, which contains minerals such as calcium, magnesium and silicon, capable of providing countless benefits to the skin.

Fossil water-based products: an unexpected ally for the skin
Products that have thermal water as their main component can help reduce irritation and maintain good hydration, as well as contain antioxidants to counteract signs of aging. There are many types of fossil waters, each with different components and properties.

For example, Il Tempio della Salute uses the thermal water of Salsomaggiore, which has precious soothing, moisturizing, and decongestant properties, to develop innovative formulations of its cosmetic products that:

offer deep oxygenation and hydration to dry and sensitive skin, or during specific periods of the year;
restore tone and softness
stimulate the processes related to the regeneration of skin marked by external agents and time.

By integrating these cosmetics into their skincare routine, you can achieve healthy and radiant skin with specific routines for face, body and mature skin, as well as with mini routines for those who don’t have much time, but don’t want to give up pampering their skin.

What is the correct order to apply skincare products?
Skincare is an art that requires careful attention and dedication. One of the most crucial, yet often overlooked aspects is the order of skincare, or the sequence in which we apply products in a skincare routine.

Indeed, this order is not random but follows a specific logic, inspired by the traditional Asian technique of “layering”. This practice emphasizes the importance of applying cosmetic products in successive layers, starting with the lighter textures, such as toners, and progressing towards denser and richer products, like creams and oils. This ensures that each product is deeply absorbed, allowing the skin to fully benefit from each ingredient’s properties.

Therefore, while each routine has its steps, which can vary in number, the typical skincare order to follow is:

Makeup removal with a gentle makeup remover
Cleansing with a cleanser suitable for your skin type
Exfoliation using a scrub or gommage
Application of a gentle toner
Application of a serum specific to your skin type
Use of any specific treatments
Hydration of the eye area with creams specifically for that zone
Hydration of the face and body with a moisturizing cream
Application of a sunscreen cream (in the morning and every two hours during prolonged sun exposure)
The most popular skin care types
There are multiple types of routines from which you can draw inspiration. The most famous ones are:

The 7-step skincare routine: it is a Japanese beauty treatment that focuses on cleansing, nourishing and deeply caring for the skin, improving its long-term appearance. It includes the following steps: facial cleansing, toning, exfoliation, mask, eye treatment, hydration and sunscreen.
The 5-step facial skincare routine: it is a simplified version of the previous routine but focuses on cleansing and moisturizing the skin. It also includes targeted treatments to solve any specific problems. The 5 phases of this routine are: facial cleansing, toning, hydration, specific treatment (such as a serum or mask) and sunscreen.
Korean skincare: it is a very slow routine that requires many steps (even more than 10), because it focuses on the prevention and care of the skin in the long term and in every aspect. The basic philosophy is to use gentle and natural products to maintain balanced and healthy skin and avoid aggressive chemicals.
American skincare: it prefers powerful and targeted formulations that act quickly to solve specific skin problems. It is, in fact, a very fast treatment, ideal for those who don’t have much time to devote to skincare but want to see immediate results. These products are often expensive and may contain more aggressive chemicals than Korean ones, such as acids and retinol, to achieve visible results in a short time.
However, it is very important to select a routine that allows you to use the most suitable products and to respect the fundamental steps to meet the specific needs of your skin type.

Here are some tips for adapting these types of skincare routines according to your needs.

Skincare for combination skin
Those with combination skin, with dry areas and other oily areas, should use specific products that cleanse the skin of impurities and nourish the dehydrated areas. The facial skincare routine in these cases involves:

cleansing with micellar water to remove excess sebum,
cleansing with a mousse or foam cleanser,
refreshing and rebalancing with an alcohol-free toner,
smoothing the drier areas with a hydrating cream,
protecting with a light sunscreen.
Skincare for dry skin
Dry skin is more sensitive than other skin types and needs to be nourished and moisturized with the following skincare routine steps:

removing makeup with micellar water,
using a facial cleansing oil: this product with oily texture easily removes impurities and deeply cleanses,
applying a moisturizing and soothing tonic: this is an important step after cleansing, as it nourishes the skin and leaves it hydrated and soft,
finishing with a good moisturizing cream with hyaluronic acid: this product will provide the skin with the right charge of hydration, nourishment, and luminosity.
Skincare for oily skin
Oily skin needs a routine that purifies clogged pores and regulates sebum production. The skin still needs to be moisturized and toned in the end.

The 4 steps to follow for perfect skincare for oily skin are:
carefully remove make-up from the face with a micellar cleansing gel for cleaning the face, eye contour and lips,
cleanse the face with a mild facial soap to purify the skin or with an exfoliating cleanser,
apply a purifying and mattifying tonic to refresh the scalp,
apply a moisturizing and refreshing cream for oily skin.
Skincare routine for mature skin
Skincare for mature skin aims at preventing and treating signs of aging by ensuring adequate cleansing, hydration and protection, focusing on the face, neck, eye area, and hands. The routines for this skin type should focus on anti-aging ingredients such as retinol and hyaluronic acid, avoiding irritating solutions and using products with soothing properties.

The steps that cannot be missed in this skincare routine are:

cleansing with cleansing milk or gommage  the latter deeply cleanses and promotes cellular turnover to give new light and vitality,
hydration with creams or serums with intensive moisturizing action,
protection with a revitalizing anti-wrinkle cream that stimulates the skin tissue to produce collagen and protects it from external agents.

How to incorporate a skincare routine into daily life
The skincare routine is a unique and personalized journey that depends on multiple factors. The skin type, specific problems to be addressed, but also the moments of the day influence the choice of the right products and gestures.

It is as if the skin has different needs depending on the time of day. Here are some examples of how routines can be adapted according to the chosen time of day:

In the morning: those who want to devote some time at the beginning of the day to taking care of their skin should follow the steps related to the application of products that prepare the skin for makeup, therefore first cleanse the face, moisturize, use sunscreen and finally apply makeup.
In the evening: the ideal time to dedicate a few minutes to the skincare routine. Removing all traces of make-up, thoroughly cleansing the skin and moisturizing will be the fundamental steps to take at the end of the day. In this way, it is possible to effectively remove all the particles of dirt that have accumulated on the face during the day. In addition, the treatments applied in the evening will have time to work overnight.
Before, after or during exercise: for those who love sports, the skin is an important ally that needs to be prepared for physical exertion. Thoroughly removing makeup is essential to avoid irritation and clogging of the pores during sweating. For those who love outdoor sports, it is important not to forget to protect the skin from pollution, smog, and cold with daytime moisturizing and protective cream. Also, applying a lip balm can help keep lips constantly moisturized.
It is also possible to adapt your skincare routine based on the season. For example, during winter and autumn, low temperatures can cause dryness, so it is important to use moisturizing creams and lip balms. In summer, high protection sunscreen cosmetics are recommended, while in spring, it is recommended to use lightweight products to avoid weighing down the skin.

What is the secret to obtaining the beauty and well-being of the skin?
Like a flower that needs to be watered every day to bloom, similarly a complete, well-structured and regular skincare routine is the best way to promote the well-being of the skin. This assumes the use of safe and targeted products, applied consistently.

If you want to make the routine even more pleasant, you can use thermal water-based products, which not only regenerate the skin tissue, but are also able to recreate thermal sensations in the intimacy of your home. These cosmetics, with their fragrances and textures that activate the skin receptors, are able to stimulate and actively involve the senses, leaving you in a suspended moment of relaxation and tranquility.
The best way to turn a moment of personal care into a multisensory journey of well-being.

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