No one willing to rub your sore feet? No problem! Read on for easy, natural home remedies to fight foot pain

Up to 80% of your waking hours are spent on your feet, and every day, your feet bear the weight of over 2,265,000 kilograms of cumulative pressure. It follows that it is understandable why your feet can occasionally become extremely painful. Foot pain can be caused by almost anything, such as poorly fitting shoes, illnesses like diabetes and arthritis, and poor circulation. Here are some remedies for aching feet.

1. Boost Circulation

Fill one basin with cold water and another with hot water that you can stand to enjoy a revitalizing and invigorating foot treat. Put your feet in the chilly water while seated comfortably in a chair. Transfer to the hot water after five minutes. Repeat. Your feet’s blood vessels dilate and constrict alternately during this “hydromassage,” improving circulation.

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2. Rub Out the Pain

In health-food stores, you can buy a roller specially designed to massage the soles of the feet. Alternatively, you can spend several minutes simply rolling a tennis ball, golf ball, or rolling pin under your bare foot.You can also massage them by hand with one of the following two homemade oils:

3 drops clove oil and 3 tablespoons (45 mL) sesame oil

3 drops lavender oil, 1 drop chamomile oil and 1 drop geranium oil mixed in 2 teaspoons (10 mL) olive oil

Rid the Ache

Drop a few pencils onto the ground and use your toes to pick them up. This short exercise eases the pain in your feet.

4. Stretch the Toes

Wrap a thick rubber band around all the toes on one foot.Give yourself a five-second stretch while spreading your toes. To release feet stuck in shoes, repeat ten times.

5. Attend to the Wound

Plantar fasciitis, an inflammation of the tough band of tissue that connects your heel bone to the base of your toes, may be indicated by heel pain, especially in the morning.To get relief, stretch the Achilles tendon. Stand about one meter from a wall. Place your hands on the wall, and move your right leg forward, knee bent. Maintain a straight left leg and place your heel on the ground. Your foot arch and heel should feel slightly stretched. Hold for ten seconds, then alternate sides and do it again.

6. Heal the Heel

Apply an ice pack to the sore heel for about 20 minutes three times a day.

7. Make a foot bath

Pamper your feet in an at-home spa bath. Fill a foot bath with hot water, add any of the following, and soak for 10 minutes.

2 drops peppermint oil, 4 drops of eucalyptus, 4 drops of rosemary oil
a strong cup of peppermint tea
1 tablespoon (15 mL)arnica tincture