A life with pain and fatigue can cause great annoyance disrupting the daily chores. Knee ache is something very common these days and it is a sad reality that not only does the elderly suffer from this but also young buds experience it due to various reasons. Among them could be cramps, rheumatoid arthritis, strains, etc. There are easy ways to relieve the pain in the early stages, and we’ve included a few here. However, medical attention is required when the condition becomes unmanageable or gets worse over time.

1) Cold compress
A cold compress is the first remedy that comes handy when there is a knee injury or initial symptoms of pain. An ice cube bag or a frozen bag of veggies can help ease the pain.Some doctors even suggest using alternate heat and cold compress to loosen the stiffened muscles.
2) Physical exercises
Maintaining your leg motionless for extended periods of time may increase your risk of developing knee pain. Your knee needs movement and there are a few exercises that ensure a good posture which consequently reduces stiffness and pain.
3) Balanced diet
One possible cause of knee pain could be obesity, which pushes the ligaments to support the extra weight until they swell. The first step to a fine lifestyle is a well-balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Meat and foods high in preservatives should be avoided if you want to lose weight and ease pain.
-Ginger has a lot of medicinal properties and hence has been used for a long time in the treatment of arthritis. Use this natural herb in your daily tea and meals to help relieve knee pain.
-Foods rich in Vitamin D are to be consumed on a regular basis.
4) Apple Cider Vinegar
Though there is no proper evidence of using apple cider vinegar for treating knee pain, there are many claims that this processed extract cleanses the body and takes away irritable aches from the body.
5) Aromatherapy
Essential oils such as lavender extract are proven to relieve joint pain from osteoarthritis.A hot water bath with a few drops of plant oil or an external massage relieves tense muscles and promotes mental clarity and relaxation.

Beyond basic home remedies, it is always best to consult an ortho practitioner to exactly understand the reason for the pain. Sometimes, it might even require keyhole surgeries as per the severity of th issue. On the other hand, a healthy diet and active lifestyle guarantee that trauma never occurs in the first place .