Tijuana, Mexico resident Suchon says, “Even if it’s just total negative, garbage nonsense that I’m scribbling on a page, it helps clear my mind and figure out what is exactly bothering me.”

Journaling is advised by many mental health professionals since it can elevate your mood and help you cope with depressive symptoms. Research back this up and indicate that keeping a journal improves mental well-being. It might also improve the efficacy of therapy.

Treatment is necessary for depression, a serious illness. It is imperative that you consult a physician or mental health expert if you suspect you may have it. Although there are many advantages, Jill Howell, a qualified professional counselor, notes that journaling is not a panacea.

How Journaling Helps With Depression

Maintaining a journal can be beneficial in several important ways while you’re struggling with depression.

Makes You More Aware.You can better understand yourself by keeping a journal.

You can discover more about your thoughts and feelings by writing in a journal. The things that individuals write often surprise them, according to Denver psychotherapist Cynthia McKay. If you write down anything that was bothering you but you were unaware of it, you can find that it’s causing you anxiety.

You have the option to share or not share your journal with your therapist. They can assist you in identifying what’s crucial and using that information to advance.You can better understand yourself by keeping a journal.

Lets You Take Control.Writing down your thoughts and worries can help to reduce the confusion they cause. “Things feel more manageable when we write them down,” explains PhD-holding clinical psychologist Perpetua Neo.

Suchon concurs. She claims that writing helps her see things more clearly and lessens her emotions of worthlessness. “It brings me back to reality.”

Maintaining a journal enables you to participate actively in your care. It gives you the confidence to take action to improve your own feelings. It also aids in identifying times when you feel worse and require more assistance.

Shifts Your Viewpoints.Maintaining a journal allows you to practice constructive self-talk.

“Gratitude journals and affirmation journals are tools that I like to use with my clients,” says PhD candidate in therapeutic psychology Charlynn Ruan. Writing about pleasant experiences, according to Ruan, has particular therapeutic value because sadness often evokes negative emotions. “It’s like retraining your brain.”

Lets You Notice Patterns.You can keep a journal to record your symptoms. You could identify triggers for your depression if you keep a daily journal of your feelings.

For instance, you might see that your symptoms worsen during particular hours of the day, during stressful situations, or in relationships that present difficulties. Knowing what sets you off can help you steer clear of them later on.

Keeping a journal could help you get perspective on your progress over time. You might see patterns if you review previous entries. See if your feelings are improving, becoming worse, or staying the same.

It may indicate that you require additional support or confirmation that everything is well with you.”It has helped me to go and look back at past entries and realize at how far I’ve come in treatment,” According to Suchon.