Hypertension, another name for high blood pressure, is a major risk factor for stroke and heart disease. Nearly half of all adults in the US either have hypertension or are on medication for it, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). While smoking, family history, and a sedentary lifestyle are well-established risk factors for high blood pressure, some of its underlying causes may surprise you. These are five secret reasons why blood pressure is elevated.

1.Apnea during sleep
One consequence of sleep apnea is hypertension. “Your sympathetic nervous system is activated when you have sleep apnea, which results in an accelerated heart rate, dilated pupils, elevated blood pressure and dilated pupils, “Chronic hypertension can be caused by excessive nervous system activation.”

Your blood pressure may temporarily rise as a result of stress. Your body creates an excess of hormones while you’re under stress, which raises your heart rate and narrows your blood vessels. Your blood pressure rises momentarily as a consequence. Chronic stress is bad for your general health and can cause high blood pressure.

3.Drinking alcohol
About 16 percent of American adults suffer from alcohol-related hypertension. Your chance of having problems with high blood pressure increases with the amount of alcohol you consume. “Your blood pressure rises as a result of your heart having to work harder to pump blood throughout your body.” “Your blood pressure rises as a result of your heart having to work harder to pump blood throughout your body.”

4.Low amounts of vitamin D
In addition to being essential for healthy bones and muscles, vitamin D may also have a connection to blood pressure. Research indicates that an increased risk of hypertension is linked to low vitamin D levels. Taking vitamin D tablets by alone won’t stop hypertension, even though it might help lower blood pressure.

5.Thyroid problems
Blood pressure can be elevated by both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. “Your thyroid produces more T3 hormone than your body requires when you have hyperthyroidism, which raises your blood pressure and heart rate.” “Hypothyroidism occurs when your thyroid produces insufficient amounts of the T3 hormone.” Causing hypertension and weakening the cardiac muscle. Consult your doctor about the possibility of an underlying thyroid disease if your blood pressure treatment strategy isn’t working. Heart disease and stroke are among the major health issues that high blood pressure can cause. All throughout South Jersey, Cooper and Inspira Cardiac Care provides comprehensive cardiac services.