Unquestionably, the worst facial imperfection is a pimple. Everyone wants flawless skin free of imperfections like dark circles, acne, and other unpleasant blemishes. The worst thing about acne, though, is that as soon as one pimple disappears, it is quickly replaced by another, leaving behind unsightly redness and acne scars.

Of course, there are many products on the market that promise to help you fight acne the best way possible, but these are mostly just claims. Not to mention the negative side effects, including dryness. For this reason, we are providing the ideal remedy to your acne issue: acne home treatments.

Did you know that your house contains the finest remedy for pimples on your face? You don’t think we’re real?

Then have a look at these 5 effective at-home treatments for pimples:

1. Aloe vera with lemon juice

Acne draws attention to itself while you’re in front of the mirror, which is bothersome. According to a 2014 study that appeared in the Journal of Dermatological Treatment, aloe vera’s antibacterial qualities may aid in the reduction of bacteria. In addition, aloe vera soothes and cools the skin when applied, which helps reduce the redness and irritation that come with pimples.

This is how you apply it

Combine a teaspoon of lemon juice with a spoonful of recently scooped aloe vera gel. After 15 minutes, rinse off your face after applying the mixture.

2. Yeast and yogurt

You can get amazing results from a yeast-yogurt mask if you have oily skin and acne. It’s the ideal treatment for skin that is radiant and free of zits. Because yeast has cleansing qualities, it can lessen pimples when paired with yogurt’s antibacterial and antifungal qualities.

This is how you apply it: Combine one tablespoon of yogurt and one tablespoon of quick yeast. After applying it to your face and neck, let it sit there for 20 minutes. After giving your face a warm water wash, moisturize as normal.

3. Apple cider vinegar and baking soda

Consider apple cider vinegar to be the magic pencil that kills pimples only—the “Shakalaka-Boom-Boom” kind! The bacteria that causes acne, P. acnes, is killed by acetic acid, lactic acid, citric acid, and succinic acid, according to a study published in the International Journal of Cosmetic Science. The good news is that all of these are present in apple cider vinegar.

This is how you apply it:

Stir together 1 tsp organic apple cider vinegar, 2 tsp water, and 3 tsp baking soda. Put the mixture on the pimples. After 20 minutes, wash it off.

4.Turmeric and honey

We are all aware that haldi or turmeric can give us radiant skin. However, did you know that turmeric does wonders for acne as well? Haldi’s polyphenols and curcumin are excellent for treating inflammatory diseases like acne.

This is how you apply it:

Combine 2 tsp gram flour, 2 tbsp yogurt, and half a teaspoon turmeric. Apply the paste to your face and let it sit there for ten to twelve minutes.

5. Egg whites

You are mistaken if you believe that eggs are exclusively for cake baking. The use of egg white face masks has many advantages. Rich in proteins and vitamins, they control the production of sebum, which keeps your skin from being too greasy. Reduced oil means reduced acne.

This is how you apply it:

Beat one egg white and ½ teaspoon of garlic paste.

After 15 minutes, remove the mixture from your face by washing it off