If you are feeling a dull pain in the stomach, frequent burping, feel a burning sensation in the chest, and feeling full often, then you might be developing a stomach ulcer. But jumping to a conclusion doesn’t make sense. So let’s dig a little deeper into ulcer, its effects, and remedies to rescue your stomach.

Peptic ulcers, commonly known as stomach ulcers, are open sores in the stomach lining that are either brought on by the Helicobacter pylori bacteria or develop as a result of the stomach acid eating away at the lining’s tissue.


  • Indigestion
  • Abdominal pain
  • Vomiting
  • Belching is the noisy exhalation of stomach air through the mouth.
  • Sudden sharp pain in the stomach
  • Weight loss
  • Heartburn

Myths about ulcer:

  • Ulcers are caused by stress. This is not true!

Ulcers do not occur as a result of the stress, they occur due to loss of appetite, consuming acidic foods frequently, and importantly the infection due to H.pylori bacteria.

  • Stomach ulcers can be symptoms of stomach cancer. This also isn’t true. 

Although treating a stomach ulcer might worsen the condition, it is untrue to say that doing so would result in cancer. If ulcers are not treated, there is a high risk of bacterial infection. Ulcers cause open sores in the stomach. We could argue that ulcers increase the body’s susceptibility to infection because of this.

Home remedies: Ingredients that soothes stomach ulcer


Vitamin C, potassium, and fiber are abundant in bananas. These are organic antacids that are vital to prevent ulcer formation. Additionally, the natural enzymes found in bananas aid in strengthening the stomach lining and shield it from additional harm brought on by an ulcer.

Try to eat three bananas a day to reduce ulcers. Bananas can be eaten plain or blended into a smoothie. Eating bananas on a daily basis can help prevent ulcer development or at least lessen their symptoms. To hasten the healing of ulcers, always select non-acidic fruits and vegetables, such as carrots and mangos.


Live bacteria and yeast are known as probiotics, and they are beneficial to the digestive system. 

Foods like

Miso – a paste made from fermented soya beans and barley or rice malt

Kimchi- a spicy pickled cabbage.

Sauerkraut- chopped pickled cabbage.

Rich in “good” bacteria, kombucha is a fermented green tea that has a hint of alcohol.


Natural antibodies found in yogurt aid in the fight against H. pylori infection and rashes brought on by spicy or acidic foods.


Almonds are undoubtedly another food that is high in calcium, proteins, and vitamins. Almonds’ nutrients lessen the symptoms of ulcers and aid in healing. Make it a habit to eat a handful of almonds every day.


You will be experiencing a fiery stomach when the acid proportion goes high in the stomach. So, in order to relieve the burning sensation, healing the open pores is essential. Honey strongly fights bacteria; hence it helps to inhibit the growth of bacteria further and soothes the stomach.

Stop making these mistakes

Do not eat raw vegetables

Try to eat cooked vegetables because raw vegetables can be acidic and cause irritation.

Eat non-acidic fruits.

Acidic fruits like oranges, berries, lemon, and grapes might increase stomach acid and cause erosion of stomach lining.

Say no to frequent alcohol intake

Overindulgence in alcohol can exacerbate ulcers and complicate the healing process, necessitating surgery.

Avoid smoking

Similar to alcohol consumption, smoking also exacerbates ulcers by interacting with the bacteria that cause them. So try reducing the amount you smoke gradually.

Once you confirm the symptoms of stomach ulcer it is always advisable to help medical professionals. Don’t attempt to treat yourself if you have been diagnosed with an ulcer. You can also get rid of a stomach ulcer by following a healthy diet and changing certain aspects of your lifestyle.