Winter will soon arrive, at least cold weather! Depending on the region, Indian winters can range from “barely chilly” to “oh-so-cold.” One thing is certain, though, regardless of where you are from: winter is not good for skin health! Your skin can become extremely dry and flaky and appear as lifeless as a pale, gray winter morning as a result of the dry weather. When you combine basic everyday issues like stress, sleep deprivation, and a bland diet, your skin will appear extremely fatigued. Unless, of course, you do something about it! And we have all the wintertime skin care advice you need.

1. Coconut Oil

All hail the great savior that is coconut oil, for there’s nothing it can’t do – except maybe be used on oily skin types! But for dry and dull skin, coconut oil acts as an excellent moisturizer. Simply warm up a few drops of oil and massage it on your face. You can leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes or even overnight, and wash it off with soap. Once in a while, add some sugar to your oil and use it to exfoliate your skin. Also, when that nasty cold has you sniffing and blowing your nose constantly, a few drops of coconut oil can help soothe irritated skin around your nose. This home remedy helps your skin achieve that dewy fresh look with minimal effort.

2. Aloe Vera

Yet another popular remedy for several maladies and to promote the overall health of the skin and hair, aloe vera gel acts as a great moisturizer because of its non-greasy texture and can double as an aftershave too. It also keeps away acne and wrinkles on the skin, helping to keep your skin firm. Scrape the gel from the leaf (make sure that you drain the resin from the leaf first, as it can irritate the skin) and blend it in a mixer to form the aloe vera gel. Once you’ve washed your face, you can apply it and don’t need to rinse it off. You can also combine the gel with other ingredients like turmeric or honey to make rejuvenating face masks.

3. Honey

Honey is one of those ingredients you just cannot go wrong with, even with daily use. It works across different skin types and leaves your skin feeling soft and fresh. Simply pat some honey on your face for 10 minutes or so and wash it off. You can also whisk it into some milk, apply it on your face, and wash it off once it’s dry. Honey moisturizes your skin, keeps away bacteria from your skin, and boosts the glow of your complexion. Try to use raw and organic honey, for the best possible results.

4. Yoghurt

Yoghurt is a natural exfoliator and one of the best home remedies for glowing skin in Winter. It contains lactic acid that helps dissolve dead skin cells, an essential function required for moisture to penetrate the skin. It also firms the skin and moisturizes it; just the antidote for dry and dull skin! You can mix it with a few drops of honey and lemon juice, and apply it on your face as a pack, washing it off after 15 to 20 minutes.

5. Buttermilk

Buttermilk in this context is a sibling of yogurt, albeit the liquid version. The lactic acid content in buttermilk removes dead skin and blemishes and dark spots fade away with regular use. Simply rub buttermilk over dark spots or apply it on the face as a peel-off mask!