1. Handle with care

Holding your baby and interacting with them is essential for creating a strong bond that supports normal emotional and social development. When holding a newborn, take care to wash your hands first to prevent passing germs that could be challenging for your baby’s developing immune system to handle.

Neck muscles take some time to develop in babies, so be sure to support your newborn’s head when picking them up or holding them. Never shake or jostle your baby, and avoid playing roughly with them. Gentleness is key.

2. Don’t smoke around your baby

Smoke contains a lot of chemicals that can harm your baby (and older kids, too). In fact, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes that secondhand smoke increases a child’s risk of respiratory infections and ear infections, and it increases the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

3. Practice safe bathing

Stick to sponge baths until the umbilical cord falls off (and until the circumcision area heals, if your baby boy is circumcised). Afterward, use a special baby tub to bathe your baby several times a week with a gentle baby bath product and a soft washcloth.

4. Get to know your car seat

Car seats keep babies and kids safe while you’re driving, but they can be a little tricky to set up. Be sure your baby’s car seat is attached securely in your car following the car seat’s guidelines. 

When your baby is in the seat, be sure the buckles or harness are fastened securely, too. If you use the car seat as a carrier, make sure it clicks into place when you place it back in the car and always keep your baby strapped into the seat, even if the carrier is placed on the floor.

5. Make diapering easy (well, easier)

Establishing a regular area (or areas) for diapering takes a lot of the hassle out of the experience. Have diapers, diaper cream, and wipes handy, along with a diaper bucket and safety pins if you use traditional cloth diapers. Wash your hands well before and after changing a diaper, and always wipe the baby from front to back.

6. Help your baby sleep soundly

Always place your baby on their back in their crib or bassinet for sleeping, and remove stuffed animals and blankets from the crib to eliminate suffocation risks. Set a regular bedtime routine, including regular sleep times and relaxing routines like singing or rocking before bed. Setting routines early helps your baby automatically prepare for sleep.

7. Take care of yourself

While this tip doesn’t directly involve your infant, there’s no doubt that taking care of yourself can help you as a parent. 

Caring for a newborn can be stressful and demanding, so it’s extra important to make time to relax, work in some daily exercise, catch naps when you can, and be sure to eat a healthy, balanced diet to avoid burnout and improve your overall wellness.