1. Pickle watermelon rinds

A favorite summertime treat is watermelon, but most people only eat the delicious flesh of the fruit and toss the rinds. Watermelon rinds, on the other hand, can be preserved and pickled for a satisfyingly crispy snack.

Similar to pickling other fruits and vegetables, you let the rinds soften in a solution of vinegar, water, sugar, and salt before putting them in the refrigerator to eat whenever you’re ready. You can even add other seasonings and spices, including cloves, ginger, cinnamon, and peppercorns, if you’re feeling very inventive.

2. Try making bone broth

You may use the discarded bones from meat to prepare your own bone broth at home, saving you money on expensive bone broth supplements or powdered mixes.



Just place the roasted bones in a big pot and add enough water to cover the bones completely. Simmer it for 24 to 48 hours, then cover and let it cook. After that, pour the broth through a mesh strainer, pour it into jars, and refrigerate. Bone broth is a fantastic addition to soups, stews, stuffings, and gravies, as well as a warm, calming substitute for coffee or tea.

3. Make croutons using stale bread

You don’t have to throw away a stale loaf of bread if you have one. Alternatively, use it to make some delectable handmade croutons.

To begin, chop the bread into cubes and combine it with olive oil and your preferred seasonings, like onion powder, black pepper, garlic powder, or rosemary. After that, place the cubes on a sheet pan and bake them at 400°F (205°C) for 10 to 15 minutes, or until they are golden and crispy. Homemade croutons give salads, soups, and casseroles an additional taste and crunch.

4. Sauté the stems of leafy greens

The fibrous stems of leafy greens, such as collards and kale, can be challenging to chew. But you can preserve the stems, cut them into small pieces, and sauté them with a little olive oil and your preferred seasonings rather than throwing them out. The stems of leafy greens not only save food waste but also produce a nutrient-dense, tasty side dish.

5. Regrow your veggies in water

By soaking their stems in water, a variety of veggies can be grown again, saving you money on groceries and cutting down on waste. Leeks, green onions, cabbage, and celery are particularly good, but you may produce a wide range of other vegetables.All you have to do is chop off the bottom of the stalk and put it in a shallow dish filled with water just up to the roots. You’ll start to notice progress within a few days, however it might take some time to observe considerable development.