The majority of individuals are aware that consistent yoga practice is claimed to improve sleep quality. What happens, though, if your eyes still snap open at three in the morning? or spending an hour or two in bed merely attempting to fall asleep?
Everybody has been there. Shoulder stands and downward-facing dogs alone won’t guarantee a restful night’s sleep every time. However, you may still achieve your beauty sleep—without even waking up your significant other—by using a few yoga-inspired fall asleep techniques!
These three tips can be readily modified to assist you obtain those much-needed Zs. They are based on mindfulness practices that you may undertake during your normal asana or meditation practice. Try each of the three and determine which one or ones suits you the best!
1. The Breath Pattern Trick
This is the cornerstone of any yoga practice, and it’s also quite effective when done in bed. Actually, in addition to this breath awareness activity, I suggest trying one of the others after completing this one.
Make sure your breathing is coming from your nose both in and out, and then begin timing the length of your inhales and exhales. Try to keep them at the same length for multiple cycles of inhaling and exhaling.
You can start increasing the count of your exhales by one after this rhythm seems comfortable. One count at a time, every few breaths or so, increases the length of your exhales gradually until they are twice as long as your inhales. As you keep counting and paying attention to your breath, stick to this 1 to 2 ratio.
Your parasympathetic nervous system receives this pattern of breathing as a signal that you are safe and can unwind physically. Your pulse rate and blood pressure will drop as a result of the controlled breathing, and your mind will be able to relax and calm thanks to the regular counting and focus.
2. The Thought Sorting Trick
This is a simple meditation technique that everyone can use; nevertheless, it requires that you can access every feeling that each finger on your hand represents. The ring finger represents grief and guilt, the thumb represents worry, the index finger represents fear, the middle finger represents anger, and the pinky finger represents dreams and desires.
Hold a finger with one hand while using the other to help you fall asleep. For instance, you could begin by using your right hand to hold your left thumb. Next, you mentally categorize the items in your life according to the feeling that the finger represents.
Working from your thumb to your pinky finger, go to the next emotion once you believe you have sorted through the previous one. This is an excellent method if you find it difficult to switch off your mind since there are too many things going through your head at once.
Sort through your thoughts with this activity, not to let your imagination go wild or try to solve problems. It is merely a means of bringing your unconscious mind into consciousness and making room for organizing the chaos that builds up during the day.
3. The Visualization Trick
One effective technique for teaching the body to follow the intellect is visualization. Attempt to visualize your all-time favorite spot on Earth, or create a brand-new, imaginary paradise. Pay close attention to the little things, such as the type of objects and the smell.
Assume that the beach is tropical. Is it a grass cabin directly beside the water? What materials make up the walls? Is a hammock located outside? Don’t forget to pay attention to how comfortable and at ease the location makes you feel.
Night after night, you can go back to your unique area whenever you choose and add to or modify any aspect of your vision to fit your current mood.
Attempting to give your thoughts a presence is another effective visualization technique. This can really help you unwind and fall asleep; it’s typically done during guided meditation. Initially, see if you can simply watch your thoughts without passing judgment.
Every time a new idea comes to you, picture it floating away on a cloud or up into the sky in a balloon. Watch it float farther and farther away until it disappears from view. Repeat this whenever a fresh idea comes to mind.
Sometimes you may find yourself overcome with ideas! That’s alright, just persevere. If you concentrate on seeing them become smaller and smaller, you’ll quickly find yourself drifting off into peaceful pleasure.
It can be annoying and irritating to have trouble falling or staying asleep, particularly if it’s a recurrent issue. However, you don’t have to spend your nights lying in bed!
In addition to continuing your regular yoga practice, these mindfulness exercises with a yoga influence might be the key to a restful night’s sleep. Check out these tips for falling asleep to see if some of them might help you get the rest you need.