Psoriasis is an inflammatory condition affecting millions of Americans. The symptoms of psoriasis can overlap with other skin disorders such as eczema, and skin types, like dry skin. However, psoriasis isn’t just a skin condition—it’s an autoimmune disease. The most common type of psoriasis is plaque psoriasis, which is characterized by a buildup of skin cells that form plaques, or thick, scaly areas on the skin.

Although there’s no cure for psoriasis, it’s possible to treat its symptoms through medication, therapies, and lifestyle modifications. A specialist, such as a board-certified dermatologist or rheumatologist, can recommend the appropriate treatment plan for you. In addition to what your provider recommends, home remedies for psoriasis may help soothe inflammation and decrease flare-ups.

15 natural remedies for psoriasis
The exact cause of psoriasis is unknown, but genetic and environmental factors may be involved. As an immune-mediated condition, an overactive immune system may also play a role. It leads the body to believe its own tissues are foreign invaders, causing the immune system to attack.  This forms skin plaques, which are raised patches of flaking skin that feel scaly and may cause pain or itchiness. They often appear pink or red in lighter skin tones and brown, purple, or gray in darker skin tones.

Since it has an inflammatory component, many psoriasis treatments and remedies have anti-inflammatory properties. This can include topical skin care products, supplements, dietary changes, and more. Home remedies can’t make psoriasis go away, but they may provide some relief and make living with psoriasis a little easier.

1. Moisturizer
Moisturizing is one of the best natural treatments for psoriasis. In fact, the American Academy of Dermatology says that regardless of whether you have mild or severe psoriasis, moisturizing benefits anyone with the disease. The main purpose of moisturizing is to reduce dryness, which people with psoriasis are prone to.

“Hydration of the skin has been shown to improve the skin of psoriasis patients and their quality of life,” Dr. Jeffy says. “Dry skin adds to the symptoms of itch and inflammation that come with psoriasis.”

Certain moisturizer ingredients also have further benefits—some soften scaly patches while others reduce flaking, for example. “Moisturizing regularly with an occlusive lotion or cream (that doesn’t further irritate the skin) and wrapping the affected area with plastic wrap or fabric can also help minimize future outbreaks and provide temporary relief,” says Melanie Palm, MD, a board-certified dermatologist and cosmetic surgeon at Art of Skin MD in Solana Beach, California. She recommends emollient formulas to help soften and soothe the skin.

When looking for a lotion, cream, or moisturizer for psoriasis, look for the following ingredients:

Lactic acid
Olive oil
Salicylic acid

2. Petroleum jelly
If you follow skincare trends, you’ve likely heard of skin slugging. This trend could be beneficial for those with psoriasis, says Rhonda Klein, MD, FAAD, a board-certified dermatologist and co-founder of Modern Dermatology in Westport, Connecticut. “Slugging is the process of applying an occlusive [ingredient] overtop of your skincare to seal the benefits in,” Dr. Klein explains. “After applying your moisturizer, cover the affected areas with a thin layer of petroleum jelly to create a healing barrier between the skin and the outside world.” Plus, petroleum jelly is available over the counter and is inexpensive.

3. Warm baths
Taking warm baths is soothing for a variety of reasons, but adding the right ingredients to your bathwater may yield a concoction that soothes psoriasis. Dr. Klein recommends warm baths once or twice a week but with some stipulations. “Use lukewarm water and limit your soak to 15 minutes,” Dr. Klein says. “Add Epsom salts, which can help to soften scales and soothe inflammation.” Avoid hot baths as this can cause worsening of dry skin.

Another ingredient to add to warm baths is one you likely already have in your house: baking soda. In a small study, medicated baths containing baking soda were found to reduce itchiness and irritation in people with psoriasis.

4. Humidifier
Psoriasis is often accompanied by dryness and even dehydrated skin. Because the skin barrier function is compromised, those with psoriasis may have increased transepidermal water loss, which occurs when water evaporates through the epidermis. To counteract this, Dr. Klein recommends using a humidifier in any room you spend a lot of time in, such as your bedroom or office. “Adding moisture to the air prevents water loss and can help to prevent dry skin,” Dr. Klein says.

5. Dandruff shampoo
Dandruff shampoos are an unexpected treatment option for psoriasis, but some keratolytic ingredients commonly found in them may provide relief.  Salicylic acid is a common active ingredient found in cosmetics, and whether your flakes are caused by dandruff or scalp psoriasis, dandruff shampoo treated with salicylic acid may help you get some relief from itching and scaly skin.

However, the research on this is inconsistent. Some researchers have found that fish oil yields positive effects on psoriasis, while others came to a different conclusion. More research is ultimately needed on the specific link between fish oil and psoriasis, but we do know that omega-3 fatty acids are essential nutrients that have many benefits to your health.

6. Dietary changes
There isn’t a specific psoriasis diet, but what you eat can soothe or worsen your symptoms. The best foods for psoriasis are those that reduce inflammation, and the worst foods for psoriasis are those that increase inflammation.

So, what should you eat? There are several anti-inflammatory diets recommended for those with psoriasis, including gluten-free, low-calorie, heart-healthy, and Mediterranean-style diets. Research supports a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, fatty fish, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and vegetables, though dietary modifications may vary from person to person.

7. Colloidal oatmeal
The use of colloidal oatmeal creams and oatmeal baths are common home remedies for psoriasis and other skin conditions. While much of the research on the benefits of colloidal oatmeal has to do with eczema, clinical trials confirm the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of oats in dry, irritated skin. It soothes discomfort, says Dr. Klein, who recommends infusing bathwater with oats. To double up on its benefits, you can also apply topical creams, ointments, and lotions containing colloidal oatmeal.

8. Aloe vera
Commonly touted as a remedy for sunburns, aloe vera may be a promising option to soothe the irritation associated with psoriasis. It’s been shown to reduce redness and scaling as well as the severity of psoriasis. The National Psoriasis Foundation recommends looking for topical skin care products with 0.5% aloe vera and applying them up to three times daily.

9. Capsaicin
The compound in chili peppers responsible for making them spicy—capsaicin—could make for an effective psoriasis treatment. Topical capsaicin creams are available OTC for people with nerve pain, but they may also help relieve pain associated with psoriasis, notes the National Psoriasis Foundation. It may also reduce inflammation and scaling, though some have reported side effects like a burning sensation when applied topically. Other research indicates that capsaicin could decrease itching in people with psoriasis.

10. Tea tree oil
Tea tree oil has been shown to possess antibacterial, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties, so it has many applications in dermatology. Where psoriasis is concerned, tea tree oil could be helpful. It reduces skin inflammation and may increase the anti-psoriatic effects of curcumin, a compound in turmeric.

When using tea tree oil—or any essential oil, for that matter—be sure to dilute it. Pure tea tree oil could cause irritation. Additionally, pregnant women should check with their healthcare provider before using tea tree oil during pregnancy.

11. Turmeric
Turmeric isn’t just a spice reserved for Indian-style cooking—it contains a compound called curcumin, which has been used for its medicinal properties for centuries. The research on oral and topical curcumin for psoriasis is promising. As a known anti-inflammatory agent, it’s no surprise that turmeric could reduce inflammation in those with psoriasis. In some studies, topical turmeric has been shown to significantly improve scaly lesions.

12. Stress reduction
Stress is one of the most common causes of psoriasis flare-ups, research says. Stress can trigger psoriasis, and a psoriasis flare can trigger stress, creating a negative cycle you don’t want to be in. 

Stress management and caring for your mental health can therefore be part of an overarching psoriasis treatment plan. Stress relief can look different for everyone, but meditation and practicing mindfulness can be beneficial for preventing stress-related psoriasis flare-ups.

13. Weight management
The link between psoriasis and obesity is strong. Obesity can increase your risk of developing psoriasis, and in those with existing psoriasis, obesity can amplify it. This could be due to the increased inflammation associated with obesity.

A trial involving 303 overweight or obese patients with chronic plaque psoriasis found that diet and exercise led to reduced psoriasis severity. The American Academy of Dermatology also recommends weight management for people with psoriasis, noting that even a small amount of weight loss can lead to fewer psoriasis plaques on the skin.

14. Oregon grape
Oregon grape (Mahonia aquifolium) is an herb used in traditional Chinese medicine. It’s often used to treat stomach issues, but it’s also thought to help improve psoriasis when applied topically. Oregon grape creams have been shown to significantly improve psoriasis as well as eczema. Specifically, it works by reducing inflammation in psoriasis lesions.6