Here are 12 easy homemade cures for stomach acidity that you can try using items you probably have in your pantry or kitchen.
Imagine this. There’s nothing to see; your favorite food is right in front of you. To what extent will you consume and discard food? Even though you might want to clear the table, you understand the potential risks, don’t you? An upset stomach or any type of pain in the abdomen is not something anyone enjoys. Thus, even though acidity is a common issue, it is never desirable. Acidity is the result of the stomach’s gastric glands secreting too much acid, which can cause symptoms like gas, bad breath, and stomachaches.It triggers an unpleasant reaction that also often makes you feel sick and miserable.Anshul Jaibharat, a nutritionist in Delhi, states that “a long gap between meals, empty stomach, or excessive intake of tea, coffee, smoking, or alcohol can cause acidity.” Heartburn, acid reflux, or GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) are symptoms of excessive acid secretion, which is typically brought on by eating large meals or spicy foods. Acidity has the potential to be very bothersome. We often turn to different remedies to get rid of the same. But if you’ve failed to do so, don’t worry—we’ve got you covered. We’ve included a list of a few acidity home remedies in this post that might be very helpful in solving your acidity issues.

Here are 12 easy kitchen or refrigerator staples that you can use to reduce acid reflux in your stomach.

Acidity Natural Treatments:

1.Basil Leaves:

If you’re experiencing acidity, the carminative and calming effects of basil leaves can help you feel better quickly. Eat a few basil leaves or cook three to four basil leaves in a cup of water and simmer for a few minutes if you notice any gas at all. Drink it often. This is among the most effective natural cures for acidity.

2. Fennel

Analyst Anshul Jaibharat suggests that you “chew saunf after meals, to prevent stomach acidity.” “Fennel tea has many gastrointestinal health benefits and can promote a happy and healthy digestive tract. The tea is considered very useful to help indigestion and bloating because of the oils found in these seeds”, according to Shilpa Arora ND, a renowned Health Practitioner, Nutritionist and certified Macrobiotic Health Coach.


This underappreciated spice can help calm your stomach by enhancing absorption and digestion. It also functions as a natural antacid for acid reflux. Drinking cinnamon tea can help treat gastrointestinal tract infections. Cinnamon is a powerhouse of nutrients and loaded with health benefiting properties.


Did you know that buttermilk falls into the Ayurvedic category of sattvic foods? Therefore, the next time you feel acidic after eating a filling or spicy meal, have a glass of chaas instead of taking an antacid. Lactic acid, which is found in buttermilk, helps to balance the stomach’s acidity. For optimal effects, add a teaspoon of ground coriander leaves or a dash of black pepper.


Have you ever wondered why our elders use gur to finish a meal? “Jaggery helps boost intestinal strength due to its high magnesium content,” says Dr. Manoj K. Ahuja of Fortis Hospital in New Delhi. It lessens stomach acidity by promoting better digestion and an alkaline digestive system. After eating, suck on a little piece of gur to experience the benefits. Experts advise consuming Gur Sharbat, or jaggery soaked in ice cold water, during the summer months as it helps regulate body temperature and soothes upset stomachs.


Cloves have gained popularity as a digestive remedy in Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine over the years. Because of their carminative properties, cloves help keep gas from building up in the digestive system. When cooking foods that tend to induce flatulence, such as kidney beans or black grams, add the cloves. Even worse breath—which frequently accompanies acidity—can be eliminated by eating cardamom and crushed cloves combined in equal parts.

7.Cumin Seeds

Cumin seeds help with digestion, reduce stomach pain, and act as an excellent acid neutralizer. After every meal, steep one teaspoon of cumin seeds in a cup of boiling water, or crush a few roasted cumin seeds and stir them into a glass of water.


Ginger has many health benefits hidden beneath its knobby exterior. “Ginger has excellent anti-inflammatory and digestive properties,” says Fortis Hospital’s Dr. Ahuja. You can chew a slice of fresh ginger, take a spoonful of ginger juice two or three times a day, or steep fresh ginger in a cup of boiling water and consume it to help counteract stomach acids.

9.Cold Milk

Milk can aid in balancing stomach acids in people who do not have a lactose intolerance.It is rich in calcium, which prevents the buildup of acid in the stomach. “All you need to do is drink a glass of cold milk the next time you suffer from acidity”, suggests Nutritionist Anshul Jaibharat.

10.Apple Cider Vinegar

The cause of your acid reflux is frequently insufficient stomach acid. Apple cider vinegar can help with that. To make it, just combine one or two teaspoons of unfiltered, raw apple cider vinegar with a cup of water, and consume it once or twice daily. A tablespoon of apple cider vinegar can also be taken, and it can be followed with a glass of water.

11.Coconut Water

“When you drink coconut water, your body’s pH acidic level turns alkaline”, adds Dr. Ahuja, Fortis Hospital. Additionally, it aids in the production of mucus in the stomach, which shields the organ from the damaging effects of excessive acid production. Because of its high fiber content, it facilitates digestion and keeps acidity from returning.


Regarding their beneficial effects on health, bananas are highly significant. Natural antacids found in bananas can serve as a buffer against acid reflux. The easiest DIY treatment for eliminating acidity is this one. Eat one banana every day to prevent discomfort.

So, these natural cures will come in handy if you ever experience acidity