Frequent hand-washing and getting vaccinated are two important things you can do to keep yourself safe from the flu. If you do become ill, you’ll want to stay home and rest to support recovery and prevent spreading the virus to others. Should you get sick, here’s another tool to add to your flu-fighting arsenal: whole, nutritious foods and drinks. That’s because research suggests food and drink choices may help or hinder flu symptoms.

“The studies that we have are small and somewhat limited in quality,” says Neha Vyas, MD, a family medicine specialist at Cleveland Clinic in Mayfield Heights, Ohio, “but even still, we can make some general assumptions as to what is good to eat and drink when you’re sick.” Flu symptoms include fever, sore throat, cough, congestion or runny nose, and body aches, notes the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In some cases, flu may cause diarrhea and vomiting, too. Read on to learn which foods and drinks to consider including in your diet to help ease the effects of the flu and potentially get back to feeling like your normal self sooner.

Warm, Plain Broth
It’s generally believed that warm liquids work better than cold liquids to ease symptoms of the flu, and some scientific evidence backs up that conventional wisdom. In one study, researchers compared the effects of both hot and room-temperature drinks in 30 people facing the cold or flu. “The hot drink provided immediate and sustained relief from symptoms of runny nose, cough, sneezing, sore throat, chilliness, and tiredness, whereas the same drink at room temperature only provided relief from symptoms of runny nose, cough, and sneezing,” the researchers state. The benefits may be a result of the hot liquids promoting salivation and airway mucus secretions to lubricate and soothe the upper airways, they concluded.

Chicken Soup
Depending on your symptoms, liquid broth may be all you can handle, but for more sustenance, add some healthy ingredients to make a soup. Chicken soup is a classic homemade remedy for illnesses like the flu, and you likely have memories of eating a heaping bowl as a child when you weren’t feeling well. And it turns out mom knows best. One study found that the ingredients in chicken soup together can reduce inflammation and support the immune system as it fights the influenza infection. When it comes to preparing a soup, Dror recommends aiming for a balanced bowl for optimal nutrition — something your body needs now more than ever as it recovers.“Opt for soups that contain protein, nonstarchy vegetables, and carbohydrates,” she says. “For a quick, balanced option, toss some frozen veggies and shredded rotisserie chicken into a low-sodium broth. Bean soups contain protein and fiber, so they’re also an excellent option.”

Sugar-Free Ice Pops
While warm fluids provide more relief from flu symptoms, some people find cold foods can help numb the pain of a sore throat, Vyas notes. Ice pops can be a great option, but you’ll want to make sure they’re not loaded with sugar. If you’re feeling up to it, you can avoid added sugar and artificial ingredients by making your own ice pops at home. “Blend then freeze fresh fruit for a delicious, healthy alternative,” Dror recommends. “Berries are a great option because they are low in sugar, high in fiber, and contain antioxidants.” If you don’t have the energy (or can’t convince a loved one to whip these up for you), a store-bought brand without added sugar can work, too, Vyas says.

Garlic has a long history of being used for medicinal purposes in cultures around the world. In ancient China and India, for example, garlic was used to treat respiratory and digestive issues, while in the Middle Ages, some people viewed it as a remedy for arthritis, toothaches, chronic cough, and insect bites, according to a research paper on the topic.Today, some research suggests garlic may be useful in helping fight off the flu. While data is limited, one study concluded that taking garlic supplements may enhance immune cell function and reduce the severity of flu symptoms. If you don’t want to take garlic supplements, you can try to get the same benefits from raw or cooked garlic, Vyas suggests, though no robust scientific evidence supports this yet.

Leafy Greens
Another type of veggie that offers immune-bolstering, inflammation-fighting vitamin C: leafy greens. Examples include spinach, cabbage, and kale, which also offer iron, Vyas notes. Research shows iron is essential for the production of immune cells, particularly white blood cells, which help the body fight infections. But don’t worry if you’re not in the mood for a salad. Dror recommends adding these veggies to soup to add bulk and a nutritional boost, or enjoying them in other ways. “If raw vegetables are not appealing, try roasting, steaming, or sautéing them,” she says. “When our energy is low, frozen vegetables are a great way to increase our intake with minimal effort.”

Hot Tea
One of the best ways to enjoy honey is to add a teaspoon to hot tea. This warm beverage is itself soothing to a sore throat and the steam can help clear a stuffy throat, Vyas notes. Tea contains a group of antioxidants called polyphenols, which research shows are protective against chronic illnesses. Chamomile has been found to have antibacterial properties in studies, while research has shown peppermint tea can help soothe digestive symptoms. Green tea contains a type of polyphenol called catechins, which studies suggest can increase the number of regulatory T cells, which help control the immune system. While there are many types of tea to choose from, Vyas suggests staying away from any that contain caffeine, such as black tea, which can contribute to dehydration.

Spices Like Ginger and Turmeric
While research is limited, some data suggests certain spices and herbs may be beneficial when you’re sick with the flu. In studies, researchers have found that ginger extract offers antimicrobial properties, while curcumin, a naturally occurring compound in turmeric, has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, research suggests.

Vyas doesn’t recommend counting on these spices as a cure for the flu, but they may be helpful to add to teas, soups, or other dishes when you’re sick. Ginger and curcumin are also available in supplement form. According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH), ginger supplementation is considered safe but may cause side effects, including abdominal discomfort, heartburn, diarrhea, and mouth and throat irritation, if taken in large doses. People who are pregnant or breastfeeding should consult with their doctor before taking ginger supplements, the organization states. Due to its anticoagulant activity, curcumin supplements may cause excessive bleeding if taken with blood thinners like aspirin, clopidogrel (Plavix), or warfarin, according to a research paper on its safety and health effects. Little is known about the safety of curcumin supplementation during pregnancy or breastfeeding, NCCIH reports.

Lean Proteins
“We want to ensure we are getting adequate protein when we are ill, to prevent muscle wasting, keep us feeling full, promote healing, and promote blood sugar control.” Eating foods that are high in fat can slow gastric emptying time, so there is more of a chance the foods can cause GI distress, she notes. “The flu can already cause an upset stomach, so we want to aim for low fat or lean options when it comes to protein,” Dror saysGood sources of lean protein, which are low in fat, include skinless poultry, fish, beans, and tofu, Dror says.

Greek Yogurt
The flu can come with some pesky gastrointestinal symptoms, such as diarrhea and vomiting, Dror notes, and probiotics can be useful to restore the healthy bacteria that live in our intestinal tract and improve our health, research shows. Certain foods naturally contain probiotics, including yogurt, kombucha, and tempeh, per Cleveland Clinic. Probiotics are also available in supplement form, though researchers do not yet know how effective they are at improving health.